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电话: 86-571-61073368
姓名: 邢先生
Hangzhou Lin'an Tianhong Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

  Hangzhou Lin'an Tianhong Bio-tech Co., *域名隐藏* a cutting edge bio-tech enterprise, which is mainly engaged in the R&D, manufacture and sales of innovative environmentally friendly wood/bamboo preservatives and various extracts from natural *域名隐藏* are committed to the promotion of human health with high quality products. ...

主要产品/业务: wood/bamboo preservatives and various extracts from natural *域名隐藏* are committed to the promotion of human health with high quality products.

Hangzhou Lin'an Tianhong Bio-tech Co., Ltd. / 浙江 / 浙江省临安市锦城镇大华路137号汇 (311300 ) / 电话:86-571-61073368

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